Degradation analysis of lignocellulosic fillers infused coir epoxy composites in different environmental conditions

Document Type : Research Paper



India has large resources of natural fibres such as Banana, Khus, Sisal, Korai grass,
Talipot, Palm leaf, Coconut, Pineapple, Screwpine, Golden grass, Jute and Sabai
among others. In the past, trade of the village folk depended on harvesting fibres
grown in their villages. Natural fibers have recently gaining attraction of researchers
due to their low cost eco-friendly and biodegradability characteristics they are
exploited as a replacement for the conventional fibre, such as glass, aramid and carbon.
Use of lignocellulosic fillers offers both cost saving and reduction in density as
compared to inorganic particulates. This paper deals with fabrication of composite
samples using coconut coir, epoxy resin (with hardener) and lignocellulosic particulate
fillers such as cow dung, wheat husk and rice husk. after fabrication composite
samples were exposed to different environmental conditions such as ultraviolet
radiations, soil burial, high temperature, water (at room and high temperature) to
study degradation behaviour of coir fiber reinforced epoxy composites filled with
organic lignocellulosic fillers. Composite samples were fabricated using compression
moulding technique. Degradation was confirmed by change in mechanical properties
(Tensile, flexural and impact strength) and microstructure.
